July 01, 2009

:: lorum ipsum ::

i want to have a post here so i can work on (and hopefully finish) the first look of the Long, Long Swing. i was going to snag an entry from my previous (myspace) blog, but figured that i'd go ahead and just "scribble" something down here. it's been so long since i've written (typed) and i really miss it. 140 characters just isn't enough sometimes. well, really, i've found that it IS enough, i guess i'm just being lazy and/or selfish in wanting more space than facebook status updates allow.

since this blog will be a showcase of things i love, things that inspire, things that i make or you make or someone makes, i'll make a list of the current sites that i'll likely be getting my inspiration and things from for any of you who happen to see this before i really get started.


and the newest: vintagesimple.blogspot.com

i always, ALWAYS type "blogpost" first.